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Strength Training with Ryan Burnell, Exercise Physiologist


At Body Fit Physio, we offer:​


  • Starting Strength

  • Exercise Physiology

  • Strength & Conditioning


Improve Muscle Strength and Tone​

We know the benefits and importance of incorporating strength training into our everyday life, benefits ranging from bone health, balance, flexibility, and movement confidence.


What is strength training?


The underlying principle for all physical development programs and philosophies is strength. A better quality of life, especially as we age, is attainable by improving strength. Improved strength affects both your physical and emotional wellbeing.


Strength training is beneficial to all age groups; however, it is seen to have the greatest impact on the older demographic. Strength training helps combat the decline in mobility and freedom of movement as we age.


Why start a program with us?


We are a highly experienced and specialised Physiotherapy and Fitness Centre. Our physiotherapists work collaboratively with Exercise Physiologist Ryan, who is also the only certified ‘Starting Strength Coach’ in Australia.


Ryan’s experience is vast and impressive, having worked with a range of clients to achieve their strength and fitness goals. He has the expertise and personal approach helping people achieve and feel proud of their efforts. 


If you wish to read more about Ryan, please follow this link.


At Body Fit Physiotherapy, we offer:


Starting Strength

  • Designed to develop your overall strength. This program will help you reach new levels within your physical development. We will help you plan and achieve your personal goals.

  • When commencing this program, your individual ability is taken into consideration to personalise and craft suitable starting point.


Exercise Physiology

  • A detailed medical history assessment and baseline measures of your current abilities will be taken. This allows your exercise physiologist to develop a personalised program that will help you reach your desired goals. These will be set in conjunction with any medical limitations and your physical ability.


Strength & Conditioning

  • A program that combines both strength and cardiovascular fitness. If you don’t have time to dedicate separate training sessions to these areas individually, then this is the program for you to maximise your time.






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