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Achilles Tendinopathy / Tendonitis


Updated: Jul 31, 2024

Do you struggle with pain in or around your Achilles during or after exercise, or notice stiffness in the morning when you first get up? Have you noticed a recent increase in your training load or changed something in your day-to-day routine (e.g., footwear or walking surface?). These questions are typically answered by ‘Yes’ when suspecting a diagnosis of Achilles tendinopathy. This condition rightly or wrongly can also commonly be called Achilles Tendonitis.

Achilles tendinopathy is a condition which affects the tendon of our calf muscles, or their insertion. Tendinopathy is a response to tissue loading and unloading which affects our Tendons’ makeup. This can lead to pain, dysfunction, and pathological changes to our tendon. There is also debate surrounding the presence of inflammation in tendinopathy.

The key to treating this condition is firstly load management. Being able to identify certain factors which influence our load may influence our symptoms. This may be in regard to training load but altering day-to-day activities which are aggravating may also be effective. Additionally, increasing our tendon capacity is another important facet to managing an Achilles tendinopathy. This is typically achieved through a progressive rehabilitation program which ideally prepares your Achilles for the demands which come with participating in our chosen sport or activity.

Our physiotherapists can help you identify if you may have this condition and provide education and a treatment program to help you manage your Achilles pain.

Written By:

Luke Chetcuti

Sports Physiotherapist – Body Fit Physiotherapy




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